
Day 4 (again): Technology

A quick one, cos I’ve already posted once today, but after a sweltering Melbourne day, I love technology. Our fantastic...

Day 3: Lifestyle

This one’s more of a gratitude thing, but if you like, I can tie it into manifestation quite easily. I...

Day 2: Me time

Jo and I both need space. Not all the time, but every now and then, one of us needs “me...

Day 1: An old path rediscovered

I had an interesting rediscovery yesterday. I had lost my path. Right royally. Someone gave me a sharp kick up...


I decided to start a gratitude blog today. I spent my lunch time looking at people’s posts on vision boards...

Coffee Tasting Results

We tasted some coffees at work today. Here are the results… The Coffees Five Senses - Earth (Blend) There are...

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