MySQL Backup Script

There are oh-so-many of these on the web, so I thought I’d add another. I got inspirations from two sources, and here’s my version.

# MYSQL Backup Script
# Creates:
# '-- yyyy-mm-dd/
#   |-- database_name.sql       Full database backup
#   `-- database_name/
#     |-- table1.sql            Individual database table backup
#     |-- table2.sql            Individual database table backup
#     |-- table3.sql            Individual database table backup
#     `-- table4.sql            Individual database table backup

MYSQL="$(which mysql)"
MYSQLDUMP="$(which mysqldump)"
CHOWN="$(which chown)"
CHMOD="$(which chmod)"
TAR="$(which tar)"
DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")

</p><p>#Create database dump directory and go there
pushd $BACKUP_PATH >> /dev/null

</p><p># Loop through each database
for database in `echo "show databases" | $MYSQL | grep -v Database`;
        mkdir -p $DATE/$database

# Dump database
        $MYSQLDUMP --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf --add-drop-table --allow-keywords -a -a -c $database


# Loop through each table
        for table in `echo "use $database; show tables" | $MYSQL $database | grep -v Tables_in_`;

# Dumping table
                $MYSQLDUMP --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf --add-drop-table --allow-keywords -q -a -c $database $table


</p><p>        done


</p><p># Create daily archive
$TAR jcf $ $DATE

</p><p># Ensure only root can access these files
$CHOWN 0.0 $
$CHMOD go-rwx $DATE
$CHMOD go-rwx $
$CHMOD go-rwx -R $DATE/*

</p><p># Back to start directory
popd >> /dev/null</p>

I was going to go to the extent of using which to find the location of grep and echo, but thought it unnecessary. Makes me wonder, should we use which to find which??

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