
Last day in Hà Nội

Technically the last 24 hours. I’ve checked out and am sitting in the lobby catching up on my blog, drinking...

Một hai ba, yo

Chinese New Year is just over a week away, and celebrations are beginning already. The streets are alive with banners...

If it looks like a Duck

Well, to be honest, it didn’t look anything like a duck. I don’t even know if it tasted like duck,...

Good Morning Vietnam!

I believe I got 5 hours sleep last night; I even woke naturally before the alarm was due to go...

Traffic in Hà Nội

I did some research last week so I’d have some idea of what to expect, and arrived in Việt Nam...

The Nothing to Hide argument

Add in naked example. Some people comfy with being seen naked. If it was made law that everyone should be...

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